
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

wel.come future award 2007 - We won!! Well, sort of…

Last Saturday the “wel.come future awards” were held for the first time in Bremen, Germany. We were awarded as well. We didn’t get the first, second or third prize, but the “special award”. This might be due to the fact that we are way too web2.0 for their view on business ideas.

The interesting part was that there was a major mix-up and someone else received the award in our name. Nevertheless, an award is always nice (yes, we did end up getting it) and there was free food, which is always welcome. The venue was very cool, too, as you can see in the picture below. I also wanted to post a picture of us there, but Till threatened me. So in order to see us there you need to click this link ... :-)


polexa said...

dude, i can't believe you hotlinked the picture of the handelskammer. what if they change it to something revolting?

Anonymous said...

You write very well.