
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Postponed. Canceled. Delayed.

No matter what they tell you, finding cash to run the show is not a cakewalk. This dawned on me during my last US trip, long before I ever talked to potential investors. My main enemy? Winter. On my way over to NYC with Con Air, the pilot had to pit in Newfoundland to refuel. Their math was off, because they “did not anticipate such strong headwinds.” Whaaat?

Then I wondered what else they might miscalculate. Takeoff speed? Runway length? Crosswinds? My confidence was in the toilet, and the fact that there would be more trips with them on this trip didn’t help. Also wondered if Zen was available as a pill, and if it could kill Prozac.

Finally Newark, with an epic delay. I switch on my phone, more bad news: Mashable’s Mashmeet Remix NY postponed. Great. At least I wasn’t late. But my lousy luck would hold. China Town Bus to Boston. Another call. Another canceled meeting. Snow, blah, blah, blah. Note to self: Must look into mashing up good weather forecasts with good social networking apps.

That left some time to browse an Apple Store in Beantown and confirm the myth about people working there, but not for Apple. I felt like Hank, the protagonist in Californication, who wrote an editorial at the Apple Store in Santa Monica.

Camouflaged by European tourists who were flush with cash (easy when 1 Euro equals $1.50) and kept milling around to buy more gadgets, I commandeered a MacBook Air and got a lot of work done. Thanks, Steve. You saved me from god awful Starbucks and having to hack their WiFi access …

Stay tuned for the next adventure.
Off to the West Coast.

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